Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weird Music Wednesday

Seu Jorge does an AMAZING rendition of Bowie's top hits in Bill Murray's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Simply a-ma-ZING!

To start, Bill Murray is maturing into really good movies. Lost in Translation? The Royal Tennenbaums? Rushmore? Broken Flowers? His movies are really really REALLY fucking good (now). And in the Steve Zissou's misadventures we discover Seu. Don't even ask me how to pronounce his name... Bowie's music in Portugese is so sublime. It'll make you want to cook up some calamari, make some brushetta and invite friends over to discuss the future of our youths intellectual potential as you later chill with some Port and Stilton. Mmmmm Stilton soaking in some 30 yr old Fladgate. 

Reminds me of Booby's favorite saying: "How do I like my women? Just like my Scotch - 15 yr old and mixed with Coke"


1 comment:

  1. Very cool! With regards to Bill Murray he has indeed chosen more interesting movie roles lately. I've read a couple insightful interviews of him recently and he is one bizarre friggin' dude. He doesn't have an agent or a cell phone, or at least doesn't give anyone the number. The only way to reach him is through a 1-800 number that you have to leave a voicemail on and he rarely calls anyone back. Including people who want to hire him.

    He makes it really challenging for people to give him work!



Unless you are a zombie or a fembot, your comments are totally appreciated! Loved. Desired. And wanted (I added that in case it was not clear)